Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Third Side

I was reading another painfully passionate post from yet another emotionally crippled NFL fan. They were swearing off watching their beloved team because one, some, or all of their team participated in the sacrilegious protest. Their love for their country and patriotism was offended deeply. These fans will never watch the NFL again.

Such a reaction seems pretty extreme. I don't think they've thought it through. However, they feel they have been betrayed by the actions of many players and so they are forced to quit watching the NFL for moral reasons. And they will try to talk all their friends to join them in changing the channel. They declared that the NFL would be hit squarely in the pocket by the legions of patriotic fans that will boycott the NFL. Real American patriots won't stand for "sons of bitches!" taking a knee.

These dispossessed true patriotic Americans everywhere will rally over the fact that celebrities, spoiled rich guys who play a game for a living, dared to disrespect their flag. They believe the people who support the players also refuse to recognize every veteran as a semi-god and offer proper worship. The patriotic fans felt that participating in any action that disrespected our Nation's flag and veterans bordered on treason.

One of the most outlandish opinions offered is it that the players are lucky to be playing a game and getting millions. They should be grateful to their country for their success. People seem to think that they are somehow obliged to not rock the boat.

The players worked hard all their lives to reach the opportunity to play at the NFL level. It isn't a gift, it's a lifetime achievement. They get well paid for their skills. We see every player as a millionaire, even though the average career in the NFL is less than 4 years and the average salary comes to 6.5 million dollars. To me that really isn't a lot of money. 

We may envy all that they have, deny them any relevance, but none of that matters. They are still people, with opinions and beliefs that are personal, private and separate from their public personas. Eventually, there comes a time when they can't separate the two.

The players have, not just the right, but the obligation to speak out in opposition or support of social issues. They are natural spokesmen and they have a platform. They are in a unique position to influence a lot of people. What they think and do means something. The players have every right that you or I do. They also have a responsibility to advocate for the rights of people everywhere.

In a rally speech, President Trump, the president who is supposed to represent ALL Americans and their rights publicly attacked a group of Americans and a sport that is uniquely American; in particular, their inalienable right to free speech without fear of suppression and interference by their government, In essence, he demanded that they be punished for daring to take a stand and take a knee. They are "sons of bitches'!"And need to be fired.

A great number of professional athletes, in all sports, Americans that this country should be very proud of, have had their integrity, character and patriotism impugned and careers threatened by the actions of the PRESIDENT of the United States. He thinks guys who are willing to take a stand by taking a knee are "sons of bitches" and they should be fired immediately for not believing like he does.

Trumps attack on those "sons of bitches," meaning Americans, and calling for actions that would ruin the careers of players who supported taking a stand by taking a knee is as UN-American as an act gets. The POTUS is TARGETING Americans that dare to question the status quo.

All that bluster might make Trump's base happy. However, when it comes to the true base, the American base; the people who understand what it is that makes someone an American, He didn't make them happy. Trump has seriously underestimated what makes an American. One thing about Americans is, their willingness to question authority is much greater than their willingness to submit to it.

In response to Trump's attempt to intimidate them, 200+ athletes came together to defy Trump's attacks and support the right of PEOPLE, not just players, but Americans everywhere to speak freely and peaceably. Free from fear or persecution when expressing discontent with any aspect of government policy without fear of governmental retribution. They did this with a simple gesture that has come to symbolize opposition against oppression. They took a stand and took a knee.

It was a very united, non-violent demonstration of the power of protest. It served its purpose. It motivated voices on both sides to speak. It has brought many topics to the front burner, topics that have many serious supporters on both sides. It has put the focus on the right of the people to disagree, to advocate, and to protest against; American policy, American, politics and American principals, and still be true Americans. People everywhere demonstrated to the world just how important and powerful our right to free speech and protest is.

But, thinking that the public will boycott in solidarity against Sunday's games, that's funny. Thinking this will change the number of people who attend the games is ludicrous.  As far as who's watching on TV, nobody cares about home viewers.  The boycott wouldn't cost the NFL more than loose change.

People who announce they will not be watching their ex-favorite home teams are pretty much saying they will no longer watch the NFL at all. Saying you won't watch the TEAM you once loved; because some of the team members had an opposing political or moral opinion is childish. It's like saying you're going to not play because they won't play by your rules. You can't accept a person's right to think or to act in a way you don't support.

Quitting on the whole team because some of the team members did something disagreeable to you, like supporting the iconic American Basic Right to free speech and to protest, isn't very sporting. Watching another team to get your football fix seems pretty hypocritical.

All the drama aside, I am excited about any serious movement to boycott the NFL. Let me know if you see any organized effort to start a ban and change the channel. Most rallies wouldn't last the whole first quarter. But I'll certainly tune in.